Angelle & Brett Rural Life Museum Engagement Session

Because of a Little Blue Cocktail Dress


How it all started

Brett and Angelle met in a small town, hole in the wall bar, Angelle was celebrating with her girlfriends after a couples shower, Brett was with one of his buddies listening to the band. Angelle tells me Brett caught her attention from across the room with his red hair and she knew instantly that she wanted to talk to him. Brett tells me that Angelle and her cute little blue cocktail dress made quite an impression on him as soon as she entered the room that evening, and that was the beginning of a long and loving relationship.


The First Date

"Even though both of us were a little nervous on our first date, we were also excited because we knew there was a strong connection between us, so we just sat and stayed at our table after dinner at The Chimes, talking for hours about everything! Our next date we cooked dinner together followed by a walk around the LSU lakes. Brett's attentiveness to protecting me by making sure he was closer to the road as we walked around the lakes, let me know that he was the one for me." Angelle


Angelle as explained by Brett.

"I couldn't have found a better woman to spend my life with, she is my best friend and an amazing mother to our son Luke. She's everything I never knew I was looking for, she even laughs at my stupid jokes and is great about keeping me in check by balancing me out. Angelle truly is the love of my life."


Brett as explained by Angelle.

"Brett is an amazing man, he's very kind, thinks of others and has an amazing sense of humor. Not a day goes by that he doesn’t make me laugh. He is charming, handsome, witty and intelligent. He also knows how to have a good time and helps me see that sometimes it’s okay to let things go by helping me relax when I occasionally get overwhelmed. Brett's an amazing father to our son, he understands the importance of family, which really shows by how much time he spends with Luke, who just adores his Daddy. Brett is everything I could have asked for and more, he means the world to me, he's the love of my life."


The Proposal

"Brett did a great job keeping his proposal secret by detouring from a supposed date with some friends at Dangelo's by telling me he wanted to stop at Urban Outfitter's first to check out some 90's tees he wanted. I wanted to stay in the car while he ran in because I did not want to be late meeting up with our friends, I told him to hurry, but he insisted that I go with him. Walking through Perkins Rowe on the way I saw my mom, dad and siblings and thought that they had gone out to dinner and did not invite us! It finally hit me once I saw Brett's mom and dad holding our son Luke what was really happening! Brett took me to the fountain and got down on one knee, he had our son Luke who was wearing a shirt that said, "Mommy will you marry Daddy?" bring me the ring. Of course I said yes! Luke did not want to give up that ring though, lol! Brett's planning was so perfect! Once we got to our original destination of Dangelo's he was still full of surprises because he had all of our friends and family there waiting in the party room for our engagement party.  It was a beautiful night and I will never forget it!" Angelle
